Alabama Rx Card Media Center

Free Drug Prescription Card Promises Big Savings
(Montgomery, AL) – Who said there is no such thing as a free lunch? Well, a free medical prescription discount card may be the closest thing to it.
A Baton Rouge, Louisiana, company is launching the so-called Alabama Rx Card program on November 1 for Alabama residents. It's geared toward the uninsured and even the insured if...that's the key word...if all of your prescribed medicine isn't covered.
Pam Lynch feels the pain when she totals the amount she spends every year on prescription medicines. $1,500 out of her own pocket. "I have insurance and co-pay but it doesn't cover everything," said Lynch.
But relief just may be on the way in the form of the Alabama Rx free drug discount card. Joe Shaw says it is so simple. A free discount card, literally free to anyone.
"It doesn't matter what age, income or health, they can get the card," Shaw said.
Just log on to and fill out the Freedom and Spirit program cards. Hit print and there have you have it your very own Alabama Rx card. Both cards are essentially the same but one or the other may give you a better discount on your medicines depending on what the medication is and what pharmacy you go to.
"The discounts are anywhere between 10% and 70% with the average being around 30% and the card covers standard and generic drugs," said Shaw. At an east Montgomery pharmacy, veteran pharmacist Mike Newman initially thought this sounded a little too good to be true but he is convinced this is the real deal; no catch, no hidden costs, no trickery.
"I believe we'll be doing a lot of good for the public with this," said Newman.
You have to wonder though who is paying for the free discount prescription drug cards. Shaw says pharmacies and the pharmaceutical companies are with one goal in mind.
"It's meant to drive people to pharmacies who otherwise might not be able to afford medicines," Shaw said.
By the way there is what Shaw considers one small downside. "I wish we had 100% of all the medications covered but nobody has that," Shaw said.
Still, it's apparently a good enough deal for Pam Lynch to give it a try. She plans to sign up with the hope it'll be good medicine for the pocketbook.
Joe Shaw claims Americans will save $100 million dollars this year in prescription savings, and Alabama becomes the 16th state where this card is available.
The Alabama Department of Senior Services, a state agency that caters to seniors 65 and over, says based on its research this is a legitimate program, but remember.. anyone can sign up for this. If you don't have a computer, Shaw says just walk into any of the major pharmacies and ask for it.
For more information call 1-877-321-6755